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세상을 듣는다/Michael Hoppe 연주곡 모음

The Parting - Michael Hoppé . The Parting · Michael Hoppé
michael hoppe-A Thousand Whispers A Thousand Whispers
Thoughts of You - Michael Hoppé · Martin Tillman · Tim Wheater Thoughts of You · Michael Hoppé- Martin Tillman · Tim Wheater
Michael Hoppé - Interlude: Lover's Lament Interlude: Lover's Lament -· Michael Hoppé
Michael Hoppe - Introit(Singer: Heidi Fielding)와 In Paradisum(AnDee Sanchez) 두 곡 Introit - Michael Hoppe/Singer: Heidi Fielding In Paradisum - Michael Hoppe ( AnDee Sanchez) In paradisum deducant te Angeli in tuo adventu suscipiant te Martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem. Chorus Angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem. May the Angels lead you into paradise: may the Martyrs come to welcome you, and ..
This Majestic Land - Michael Hoppe Majestic Land - Michael Hoppe (Images by Robert Thomas Weathers)
Michael Hoppe - Gold Leaves (from Romances for Cello - The Poet) Michael Hoppe - Gold Leaves (from Romances for Cello - The Poet)
*The Waiting -· Michael Hoppé/Martin Tillman/Tim Wheater The Waiting -· Michael Hoppé/Martin Tillman/Tim Wheater 첼로 연주를 맡고 있는 마틴 틸만(Martin Tilman)은 스위스 출신으로 작곡가이기도 합니다. 독창적인 곡 해석으로 유명한 그는 대중음악과 클래식을 넘나들며 남다른 재능을 유감 없이 펼치고 있습니다. 원래 유럽에서 고전음악을 공부했던 그는 ..
*Long Ago - Michael Hoppe / Martin Tillmann / Tim Wheater Long Ago - Michael Hoppe / Martin Tillmann / Tim Wheater
Lincoln's Lament - Michael Hoppe Lincoln's Lament - Michael Hoppe